How to Mark All Mail as Read in Gmail

You'd be pretty normal if yous came to your inbox each solar day to find dozens – if not hundreds – of unread emails. Merely that can sometimes mean you miss new messages when they come through.

To make things simpler, and to give you a fresh get-go, you can mark all your quondam emails equally read so that you lot can start keeping on top of your new ones. And the skilful news is, Gmail's advanced search features brand this process really like shooting fish in a barrel. Hither's how to marking all emails as read in Gmail.

Why it'south Useful to Mark Emails equally Read in Gmail

It'southward not always possible – or fifty-fifty necessary – to open and read every unmarried email that comes into your inbox. That said, it's likewise disconcerting to open your Gmail account to run into that you have x,576 unread letters.

Being able to marking emails every bit read is a neat style of organizing your inbox without having to necessarily go into every unmarried message.

Marking an E-mail equally Read

To marker a specific email every bit read:

Step one. Check the box to the left of the email.

Stride 2. Navigate to the meridian of the page, and click the Marker as read icon.

Step 3. You'll now meet a pop-upwardly confirmation message which gives you the opportunity to Disengage the command.

Marking your Whole Inbox as Read in Gmail

In your Gmail dashboard:

Step one. Navigate to the search bar and enter Characterization: inbox is: unread and press Enter

Step ii. Click the arrow on the right-hand side of the Select icon, and select All

Stride 3. In the bulletin at the top of the page, click Select all conversations that match this search.

Step four. You'll and so see a message that shows that y'all've selected these emails.

Step 5. At the height of the folio, select the Mark as read icon, and so OK.

Step 6. Confirm your control by clicking OK in the pop-up confirmation.

Y'all may demand to repeat this process if you take hundreds of emails to mark as read. You can just access 50 emails at a time.

Marker Emails in Specific Folders as Read

You can too use the advanced search office to select messages in all your folders. To select unread emails in your Important folder, type Label:Important is:Unread into the search box.

Setting up a "Marker as Read" filter

Y'all can also fix upwardly a filter in Gmail that lets you automatically mark certain emails every bit read as shortly as they come in.

To do this:

Step 1. Navigate to the search bar, and click the arrow to the right-hand side.

Footstep 2. Enter the search criteria for the email(s) y'all wish to automatically mark as read. This is normally the From field.

Stride three. Click Search

Step 4. Select Marker as read, and click Create filter.

Mark All Emails as Read in Gmail FAQ:

What does mark emails every bit read hateful?

In that location are two principal statuses that you can set on your emails: read and unread. Marking as read only removes the "unread" notification, even if you haven't actually read the email.

Why would I marker emails as read?

There are several reasons you lot may want to marker an email as read.

The obvious i is that you've already opened and read the email, then you don't need Gmail to inform you that information technology's still unread.

Many users too marker emails as read to keep their inbox clean. Getting to inbox nil is tough at the best of times, but when you receive many emails that aren't urgent (for example, electronic mail marketing messages), yous tin marker them every bit read so that they don't clutter your inbox and distract you from more than important emails.

How do I mark all Gmail as read on iPhone?

Y'all tin't mark all emails as read in the Gmail app. Here's how to mark a specific electronic mail as read on iPhone:

Step 1. Open up up the Gmail app on your iPhone.

Pace 2. Select the electronic mail you want to mark as read by clicking on the sender's profile prototype on the left side

Stride 3. Look for the icon in the top right-hand corner that looks like an open envelope

Step 4. Click that and you're done

How exercise I mark all Gmail every bit read on Android?

You can't mark all emails as read in the Gmail app. Here's how to marking a specific email as read on Android:

Pace 1. Open up upwards the Gmail app on your iPhone.

Step 2. Select the email y'all want to marking equally read past clicking on the sender's contour image on the left side

Stride 3. Await for the icon in the top right-mitt corner that looks like an open envelope

Step 4. Click that and you're washed

Quick tip: On iPhone and Android, you tin can suit the settings in the Gmail app so that swiping left or right on the messages quickly marks the emails as read.


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