The Amount of Land Owned by Each Chinese Family _________ Over Time Due to Inheritance.

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one.four Ps- Price, Promotion, Product and Placement

2.four Cs- Client Solution, Price, Convenience, Advice

3.mix coherency- how well the components of the mix blend together

4.mix dynamics- how the mix must be adjusted to changes in the concern environs, the organisation�s resources and the product life cycle

5.undecover-marketing in which customers practice not realize they are being marketed to

6.east-marketing-using electronic media similar email or SMS to promote products

7.directly marketing �promoting products to target customers,f.e..through addressed postal service

8.product placement-putting products or references to products in media like films or video games

9.viral marketing-marketing that spreads from consumer to consumer ,oftentimes online

ten.advertasing �persuading people to buy a product or service by announcing it on TV,radio or in other media

Unit of measurement

1.Repayment the amount of money you pay back each month

2.Greenbacks flow money coming into and out of your business

3.Security an item you agree to give if you fail to pay

four.Guarantor a person who takes responsibility if you neglect to pay

5.Interest free loan debt which you lot pay dorsum without any boosted accuse

half-dozen.Matching fundsmoney you provide alongside government funding

7.Maintenance the toll of keeping something working

8.The cost of keeping something working maintenance

ix.Money y'all provide alongside regime funding matching funds

ten. Debt, which you pay back without any additional charge interest free loan

xi.A person who takes responsibility if you lot fail to pay guarantor

12. An detail you hold to give if you fail to pay security

13.Money coming into and out of your concern greenbacks flow

14. The amount of coin yous pay back each month repayments

15.Drawing on personal savings and credit cards can cover star-upwards costs without having to wait for other people�s decisions. The downside is that using credit cards tin can be expensive in the long term. self-funding

16. Regular repayments can make it easier to budget. On the other manus, repayment schemes tin cause cash flow problems. You may also need to provide security, such as business organisation assets, or a guarantor. Banking company loan

17.This tin can exist a very flexible option for short-term or day-to-day requirements. The disadvantage is that they usually bear a higher involvement charge per unit than other loans. Overdraft

18. Yous get your funding, while the investor only realizes their investment when the business is doing well. You also get their expertise. On the downside, information technology is hard to raise this finance =, and your ain influence and share of the profits will be smaller. Equity finance

nineteen. These appear to be source of cheap financing. However, there is frequently strong competition, and you may be required to provide matching funds. You may as well demand to prove wider benefit to the community. Grants

20. You can spread the price of acquiring assets, and maintenance may be covered. Just it�s more expensive than if you buy outright, and you don�t own the assets until the end of the agreement. leasing

21.Leasing You can spread the cost of acquiring avails, and maintenance may exist covered. Simply it�s more expensive than if you buy outright, and you don�t ain the assets until the end of the agreement.

22. Grants These announced to be source of cheap financing. Yet, there is oft stiff competition, and yous may be required to provide matching funds. You may too demand to prove wider benefit to the community.

23.disinterestedness financeYou get your funding, while the investor only realizes their investment when the concern is doing well. You lot also get their expertise. On the downside, it is difficult to heighten this finance =, and your own influence and share of the profits will be smaller.

24.Overdraft This can exist a very flexible option for short-term or twenty-four hours-to-twenty-four hours requirements. The disadvantage is that they commonly bear a higher involvement charge per unit than other loans.

25.Bank loan Regular repayments tin can make it easier to budget. On the other hand, repayment schemes can cause greenbacks period issues. You lot may too need to provide security, such as business organization assets, or a guarantor.

26. I�k agapeI don�t have the figures with me. Tin can I get dorsum to yous on that?

27.Screening meeting. be prepared to make a 10 minute pitch and answer any questions that come up.

28. Only two per cent of business program become throwthe complete funding procedure.

29.Bug often___ in the early stages. come up

xxx. Business organization angels may turn downproposals for no apparent reason.

31.Angels always______ an entrepreneur�due south background thoroughly. bank check out

32. Information technology�south worth getting a lawyer to any contracts rather than trying to write them yourself. Draw up

33.The term sheet____all the conditions of the bargain. sets out

34.A lot of hard work is necessary before the deal finally_____. Goes through

35.In your pitch, you should_____clear and convincing arguments. put forrad

36. Become assistance if yous can�t___how much finding to use for. Piece of work out

37.The screening meeting allows investors to_____poor applicants at an early stage. weed out

38.If you presentations is successful, interested investors will______the statements made in your business organisation plan, presentation, and fiscal projections. They will go over your team�s groundwork and track record in detail. Check out

39.If you presentations is successful, interested investors volition check out the statements made in your business organization plan, presentation, and fiscal projections. They volition become over your team�due south background and _______in particular. track record

twoscore. Online application. In one case you take decided to submit a plan, complete our application online. This is designed to place the nearly important details about your business so that our internal review commission can_____the non-starters. Weed out

41.Term sheet. On successful completion of the due diligence process, interested angel group members will____a term sheet that sets out the structure of the investment deal, including type of disinterestedness and board of directors representation. describe up

42. Term sheet. On successful completion of the due diligence process, interested angel group members will draw up a term sail that _____ the structure of the investment deal, including type of equity and board of directors representation. Sets out

43.When the new health and safe laws____we�ll take to change the way the factory operates. (be officially canonical and accepted) go through

44. They rejected all the proposals we____.(suggest an idea and then that people can discuss it and make a conclusion) Put forward

45.In her written report she _____ her plans for recognizing the department. (explains in a clear and detailed manner) sets out

46. It is a very disruptive situation. I can�t ____ what to do. (solve a problem by considering the facts AmE: effigy out) Work out

47.Our brainstorming meetings usually generate a lot of ideas for new products, but just a few ____.(reach a good enough standard to pass to the next stage). Get through

48. Something of import ____in the coming together this morning time. I demand to tell y'all virtually information technology. (was mentioned or suggested) Came upwards

49.We agreed the deal in principal, now our lawyers have to ____the contract. (set and write) draw upward

50.Nosotros should ____his story advisedly � I don�t know whether nosotros tin can trust him. (make sure that something is true or right) Bank check out

51.We were very reasonable during the negotiations, only they ____our last offer. (refused) turned down

52. I empathize your position, just I can ______you that nosotros have done our______assure,homework

53..____me explain. It�s quite____ really. let, simple

54.To exist ____, I call up that raises a difficult___honest,consequence

55.A question I�m often asked is: �Where do y'all come across the house in v years?� no question

56.That�southward a very skillful question. Useful

57.So, in other words you�re request�. awkward question

58.I�m glad y'all raised that point. Useful

59.I empathize your position but I can assure you nosotros�ve washed our homework. awkward question

60. To be honest, I think that raises a different issue. Irrelevant

61.I think I covered that question in Part two, but let me just recap. unnecessary question

62. ____, really. Our turbine is the most efficient on the market. Information technology is quite simple

63.___, twenty pct more efficient than any of our competitors. to be precise

64.Pre-tax income of $150,000 in Twelvemonth one Pre-tax income of $ 220,000 in Twelvemonth 2 Financial summary

65.Don�t telephone call me at ii.thirty because I ___to the accountant. will be talking

66.I ___you tomorrow if I have time. Will call

67.That was Dave on the telephone. He___ to the conference. won�t be coming

68. Would yous like a elevator? I ___past your hotel on my way home.Volition be going

69.I___ the report by Fri? won�t have finished

70. He�s going to become medal because _____ here for twenty years in June. Will have been working

71.The procedure of looking for funds may ___for many month, and in the worst case scenario you lot might even have to obtain a second mortgage on your firm. drag on

72. The process of looking for funds may drag on for many calendar month, and in the worst-instance scenario yous might fifty-fifty have to obtain a second _____ on your house. Mortgage

73.When I retire, I____ around the earth. will travel

74.By the time he retires, he ____ here for over thirty years. will be working

75.This time next week I ____ under palm tree drinking pina coladas. will exist sitting

76. I think I covered that in Function Two, just just let me ________ Recap


1. Replace the verb in bold in the judgement: �The media frenzy caused the riot that followed�.

Brought about

ii. Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb: Attributable to a shortage of time Holidayshare PLC ______ the due diligence written report before last calendar week�s borderline.

were non able to complete

3. Complete the judgement with the right form of the verb: A favourable substitution rate has meant that recently we _______ our profit tape for the 3rd year running.

Managed to break

four. Complete the sentence with the correct grade of the verb: Julietta volition probably get the sack afterwards she _______ her manager about the missing greenbacks.

Failed to inform

5. Complete the judgement with the correct form of the verb: After along intermission with a client, Pedro yet institute that he ________on lastyear�s financial report.

Could focus

half dozen. Consummate the sentence with the right form of the verb: These days, the high toll of living means that companies ________experienced staff easily.

Appointment: 2016-06-08; view: 4737; ��������� ��������� ����


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